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2 Steps to Quickly Determine Whether a Laptop Is Genuine or Not


In this post, we will teach you how to easily determine whether your laptop is genuine or not.

Step 1: Locating the Serial Number

One fast technique to examine the legitimacy of a laptop is to check and verify its serial number. And we’ll be utilizing it to test our laptop.

The serial number of a laptop is an identifying number that is unique to each laptop; it confirms the product’s uniqueness and legitimacy. These serial numbers are given by the laptop’s manufacturer.


How to Check the Serial Number

The serial number is usually inscribed on the laptop’s box, although it may also be found elsewhere on the laptop’s back body. So you may double-check.

You may also look for it by following these steps:

  1. Select Start, then search for “Command Prompt” and open it.
  2. Enter or paste the following command: wmic bios get serialnumber.
  3. Press the enter key. And here you will see your laptop’s serial number; pick it and click CTRL+C to copy it.


Step 2: Check the Serial Number

Once you have obtained your laptop’s serial number, you must validate it with the manufacturer to ensure its legitimacy.

You may confirm it by visiting the official website of your laptop maker. Simply open a browser and type in “Brand name warranty check”; if we have a Dell laptop, we will type in “Dell warranty lookup” and be sent to the manufacturer’s official website. You may also look for the manufacturer of your laptop.

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Then, simply input your serial number there, and it will display information about your laptop, such as the remaining warranty. If you have it, your laptop is genuine. And if you did not receive any information or it displayed an incorrect serial number, there is a problem. In that scenario, you can either call the retailer where you purchased your laptop.

The serial number is the most efficient technique to determine whether or not your laptop is genuine, but you should also consider the following factors:

  1. Review Videos: Go to YouTube and search for your laptop’s complete name, then watch 4-5 videos. Examine your computer; it should resemble theirs.
  2. Sticker on Laptop: Check for brand-related stickers or labels, as well as stickers on the back of the laptop that provides the serial number and other crucial information.
  3. Examine Specifications: Download an application like Speecy, then examine all specifications and compare them to the official website specifications.



These are simple techniques to determine whether your laptop is legitimate and genuine. As a result, you can avoid phony products and avoid various hazards.



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