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Breaking Down CO2: SpiralWave’s Innovative Plasma Technology Converts Carbon Dioxide into Liquid Fuel




In a groundbreaking achievement, SpiralWave, a pioneering climate tech startup, has successfully developed a revolutionary device that captures carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and transforms it into valuable liquid fuel. This cutting-edge technology has the potential to play a crucial role in mitigating climate change.


How it Works: Plasma-Powered Carbon Conversion


SpiralWave’s patented technology employs pulsing plasma waves to break down CO2 into methanol, a versatile hydrocarbon. This process involves:


1. Microwave Pulses: Three distinct microwave frequencies target specific molecular bonds, triggering a cascade of chemical reactions.

2. Plasma Ignition: The plasma waves ignite, breaking down CO2 into CO, H2O into H and OH, and finally combining them into methanol.

3. Efficient Energy Conversion: SpiralWave’s process achieves an impressive 75-90% efficiency in converting electrical energy into chemical energy stored in methanol.


A Promising Solution for Carbon Removal


SpiralWave’s technology offers several advantages:


1. High Efficiency: Outperforms existing methods, which typically achieve 50% efficiency.

2. Flexibility: Methanol can be used as a direct fuel, refined into complex hydrocarbons, or employed in various industries.

3. Scalability: Devices range from compact Nanobeam to the massive Gigabeam, capable of removing one gigaton of CO2 annually.


The Visionaries Behind SpiralWave


Co-founders Abed Bukhari and Adam Amed bring complementary expertise to the table:


1. Abed Bukhari: Formerly of KomraVision, Bukhari leveraged his experience with cold plasma technology to tackle the climate crisis.

2. Adam Amed: Amed, based in Silicon Valley, drives business development, while Bukhari leads research and development in Austria.


Funding and Future Plans


SpiralWave has secured $1 million in funding from IndieBio. The company aims to:


1. Replicate and Deploy: Scale up device production and installation at customer sites.

2. Develop Larger Devices: Introduce Megabeam and Gigabeam, increasing CO2 removal capacity.


With its innovative plasma technology, SpiralWave is poised to make a significant impact in the fight against climate change.



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