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7 Habits to Help Children Overcome Gadget Addiction


One of the primary concerns of new-generation parents is their children’s gadget addiction. Learn the most effective 7 practices for rehabilitating your children from device addiction.


  1. Act as a role model

Remember the old adage, “First and foremost, the preacher must follow the rules.” When a parent or teacher utilizes the device throughout the day and night, the message to the youngster is not always compelling. It will only enable the rebellious kid within to develop.


  1. Active talking is a habit.

Make an effort to engage in active talks with your children and other family members on a frequent basis. Avoiding the presence of devices during certain times will unconsciously foster feelings of #togetherness, #family_values, and #self_esteem among youngsters and family members. They will understand this better if they refrain from using electronic devices.


  1. Active participation

Children require actual toys rather than virtual ones. Allow them to participate physically and play with toys. Put the #No_Mobile rule in place during playtime, whether indoors or outside. This will assist them in growing physically, cognitively, and psychologically as they spend their engagements in those areas by active involvement, attention, and self-experimentation.


  1. Avoid using gadgets when sleeping.

The first and final engagements of our day have a significant influence on our lives. For example, many individuals hunt for their phone as their first want when they wake up. As a result, children should not use devices to wake up or sleep, and they should not begin the day with a gadget.

This is also a significant consideration for grownups. Whatever you do at the start of the day has an affect on you throughout the day. Furthermore, anything you carry as your final involvement before falling asleep will leave residues within you unconsciously while sleeping. If you play a game with excessive focus, you will see those patterns in semi-sleep periods.


  1. Utilization schedule

Children must have a #timetable for using electronic devices. Parents must contribute to the upkeep of the same. When you begin to employ this strategy positively and constructively, you will achieve the finest results.

Let me illustrate with an example. Every day between 5:30 and 6:00 p.m., Mom can offer the tab. If the child is late for pick-up, the mom can go ahead and provide it when it is time to play with it. Never think, “It’s better if the kid takes his time coming to get it.” This is an intriguing bargaining tactic. When you provide it proactively, you will also get the ability to call back within the established rules. Then you may instruct the youngster to shut it down at 6 p.m. This will take some time for the youngster to accept, especially if you have a tendency of exhibiting tantrums to the child on a daily basis.


  1. Children should be made aware

Make children aware of both the good and bad implications of technology. It should be a helpful understanding rather than advise for them. Otherwise, aversion will be strong, and they would discard it intentionally.

Read Also: Children’s Electronic Devices: 9 Health Risks

  1. Environment for Active Learning

This is critical for the toddler’s parents. Many parents attempt to engage their children by allowing them to watch TV episodes, mobile games, and tablet learnings in the hope that their children would learn faster and better as a result. There is no other learning approach accessible in this world that is comparable to #activity_based #experiential_learning in the actual world. Except for the functioning and features of the device, no youngster can taste, smell, touch, or feel much through gadget learning. It is simply a model of visual and audio illusion. They may get knowledge visually from there, similar to fast food.

Allow children to learn as much as possible through #activities, role plays, and multi-sensory clues in their natural surroundings. As far as possible, avoid using electronics to instruct youngsters and instead employ real-life scenarios. For example, when chopping the apple, educate kids about fractions, counting while eating biscuits or chips, surface tension while using soap bubbles, and so on.

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