12 Interesting Tech Facts You Might Not Know

- Every month, more than 6,000 new computer viruses are developed and released. 90% of emails include viruses of some kind.
- There is no fox in the Firefox logo. It is a red panda!
- Apple is 38 months and 1 year older than Samsung.
- A petabyte is equal to 1024 terabytes. A 50PB hard disk could store all of humanity’s written works from the dawn of recorded history in all languages, to put this into perspective.
- Alexa listens in on your chats at all times. Your whole conversation history with Alexa is kept in the cloud to enhance the Alexa experience.
- People read from a screen 10% more slowly than they do on paper.
- In 1964, Doug Engelbart invented the first computer mouse. It was composed of wood and was rectangular.
- For every 12 million spam emails sent, there is often just one reply.
- When doing laparoscopic surgery and suturing, surgeons who played video games more than three hours per week as children make 37% fewer mistakes and complete the procedure 42% faster.
- The internet speed at NASA is 91 GB/second.
- Prior to 2010, carrier pigeons outperformed the internet in speed.
- In 1971, the first computer virus was developed. Under the working name of Creeper, it was developed as an experiment to see how it would spread among computers. Simply put, the virus said, “I’m the creeper, catch me if you can!”