
That’s something that every digital fundraiser thinks about at some point. Increasing website traffic is essential to expanding your business, whether your goal is to get your first or thousandth contribution. Increasing web traffic may lead to more contributions and contributors if your site is effectively designed for conversions and you have a good grasp of your audience.

Below is a collection of highly effective suggestions to assist you in achieving that:

1. Using analytics data

Digital marketing differs from other conventional marketing channels in that it can be measured. Online marketing relies heavily on the accuracy of data collected via Tag Manager or Google Analytics since this gives campaigns and fundraisers more direction and makes decision-making easier. Four main uses exist for web analytics:

Gather, Measure, Analyze, and Optimize
It’s critical to first fully comprehend the kind of content that currently generates traffic to your website before attempting to increase it. You may simply obtain this data from Google Analytics:
Navigate to your account on Google Analytics and select All Pages > Site Content > Behavior.

This will demonstrate the effectiveness of your content strategy and address two crucial queries: Which kind of content works best for increasing traffic? And what kind of material is drawing in visitors?

Gather, quantify, and examine all of the site’s data. Sort your material into groups. Personal narratives, petitions, “about us,” and campaigns are a few examples. You may learn which website content your audience engages with the most from the statistics.

2.  Use content marketing to draw in visitors.

You now have a better idea of the kinds of materials that work well. People will return for more when you provide them with material that sparks their curiosity and piques their interest. Otherwise, people will be more engaged with your material the more fascinating it is.

This draws in new prospective donations to your organization and fosters a sense of community and loyalty among your current supporters. Content marketing, when done well and with a purpose, may serve as the foundation of your web presence.
Rich content transforms consumers into contributors and companies into storytellers. Here are three categories of content that you can quickly begin working with to get a sense of where to start digging in:
Post on the blog:

The main platform on which you may produce a lot of information is a blog. Although textual content makes up the majority of blog postings, additional media can also be included. Share success stories and pertinent news about your company on your blog, and don’t forget to regularly update the blog area.


Online, visual content is incredibly powerful, so if you can convey crucial information visually, it will make a big difference. It is the entire purpose of the infographic to “show, don’t tell.”
A narrative-telling graphic representation of the data is required. Limit your use of color to no more than three: one for the backdrop and two to divide the information. If you put your infographics on social media, think about writing a blog entry where you go into more detail and can link from inside the infographic.

Watch video
In contrast to a picture or written piece, a video allows you to evoke strong feelings in the audience through both sound and vision. It’s not always necessary to invest a lot of money in production or purchase the greatest machinery. We go over how to quickly make use of the advantages of video content in tip #3 below.

3. Video material

As we approach 2021, video is still among the most successful components of a digital marketing plan, and for good reason. According to a recent prediction by Cisco, online videos will account for over 82 percent of all consumer internet traffic by 2022, a fifteen-fold increase from 2017.

Without question, video content is a very powerful tool for increasing website visitors. But remember, it’s crucial to refrain from making videos only for the purpose of producing video material. As with any content marketing, the most effective strategy to increase traffic is to provide high-quality, relevant material.

When creating a video, keep these two points in mind:
Make two-minute films.

It’s permissible to use the phrase “short and on point” while producing video material. Assume that your audience is preoccupied. Usually, the sweet spot is two minutes. There is a noticeable decline in involvement after that. Don’t worry about a few seconds here and there, though.

Start experimenting with various durations if you’re new to filming. This will assist you in determining what appeals to your audience. For me, 30-second films with a crystal-clear call to action work really well.

Make use of your smartphone.

To get started, you don’t need to buy expensive video equipment. Your smartphone is one of the most potent video tools that you always carry around with you. Today’s smartphones can capture videos in extremely high definition.
Additionally, there are a ton of free and readily available video-editing programs that you can obtain online.

4. Distributing material

The next step after creating excellent content is to distribute it properly to increase website traffic. You can utilize your own channels, such as the social media pages for your company or newsletters. Paid advertisements on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and other platforms can also be used to promote your content.

Selecting strategies you can use regularly is the best course of action unless you have a large marketing staff. You won’t get any results if you attempt too many platforms at once and exhaust yourself. If your organic Facebook posts or other posts don’t generate the necessary amount of traffic, don’t spend too much time on them.

5. To become more discoverable, use SEO.

It’s important and useful to optimize your landing pages and content for search engines. There are several approaches to SEO optimization. Finding the source of your visitors’ traffic can be done, for example, by looking at the keywords that drive traffic to your website. Finding keywords is easy, and Google Search Console makes it easy.
You may increase your search engine rankings and site visits by creating helpful content around the keywords that are bringing you the most organic traffic. If your company assists refugees and “Refugee Aid” is the most searched phrase, you have to incorporate it into your article.

Even though traffic is wonderful in and of itself, it is meaningless without a payment mechanism that takes advantage of potential contributors who happen to visit your website. Furthermore, it’s critical to ensure that your platform is suited for computer, tablet, and smartphone surfing.

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