5 Simple Ways to Grow Your Facebook Followers


Facebook is still the most essential social network for many marketers and small business owners, with 2.38 billion monthly active members. Its advertising options are extensive, its readership is unparalleled, and its growth has not slowed despite a torrent of negative headlines.

Building a Facebook following is still essential for engaging with potential clients, even if the powerful News Feed algorithm is not geared to assist you.

Here are five suggestions to help you grow your fan base on the social network.

1. Block phony followers
Fake followers do not interact with your posts, which reduces your reach. And, because Facebook only exposes your updates to about 6% (or less) of your Page admirers, the people you do contact must be warm persons, not icy bots.

If Facebook’s algorithm recognizes that your fans are engaged, your subsequent posts will reach more people. If the algorithm identifies that no one is engaged with your posts (for example, if all of your followers are false), your reach will continue to fall.

2. Disable automatic placements.
If you’re running advertising, make sure your desired outcomes are constantly front and center. Facebook will allow you to choose from several objectives, so you may prioritize engagement or communications. You should choose “engagement” to increase your following.

From here, be sure to deactivate automated placements. This is a tool that Facebook automatically activates to expose your boosted posts to Instagram users. While this will enhance your reach, it will not assist you in growing your Facebook following.

Uncheck the ‘Automatic Placements’ checkbox and scroll down to remove Instagram. Your advertising will now only be shown to Facebook users, who are significantly more likely to click on it.

3. Users are invited to like your page.
When someone comments on your Facebook post, you may ask them to like your page and view more of your material.

This is not the same as sending a cold LinkedIn request; the individuals you’re contacting to like your page have previously interacted with you; therefore, the sooner you send the invite, the higher your odds of success.

When someone expresses an interest in what you’re sharing with the world, don’t waste time. A significant number of your invitees will accept and become active page followers.

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4. Include a call to action at the end of each piece.
Whether you’re writing for your blog, LinkedIn’s publishing platform, or another publication, having a clear call to action after every piece is essential.
Don’t ask consumers to follow you on four separate social networks, subscribe to your email list, and visit your website; instead, ask them to like your Facebook page.

The paradox of choice hampers action; keep things simple and your outcomes will increase.

5. Use your page to convey a unique tale.
Too many businesses approach Facebook in the same manner they approach their other social media accounts. They make a single post, schedule it in Buffer or Hootsuite, and distribute it to all of their social media networks at once.
The crucial issue to ask is: why should your audience follow you on all of those social networks if you’re providing the same information on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn?

The short answer is that if you do this, your audience will not connect with you across different platforms. Take delight in your social media profiles and generate unique material for each.
Share longer-form entries, share intriguing photographs, and/or ask questions on Facebook. Make each of your updates stand out from the crowd and offer your audience a reason to follow your page. People don’t want to see the same message all over the place.

Building a Facebook following is more difficult than ever, yet it remains an essential network, and there are still methods to utilize Facebook effectively and engagingly. You should never put all of your eggs in one basket, but if you can manage Facebook, you may reap significant benefits. It will require time, testing, and work, but it will almost certainly pay off in the end.

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