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5 Instruments and Technology That Power Sustainable Agriculture


As farmers use the newest equipment and technology to increase their output, efficiency, and sustainability, the agriculture sector is changing. “Agriculture is undergoing a fourth revolution triggered by the exponentially increasing use of information and communication technology (ICT),” according to a 2017 National Academy of Sciences report. These inventions aren’t just concepts being worked on in a machine shop or laboratory. They are now on the market and are being embraced by manufacturers everywhere.

1. Electronic Sensors
Modern sensor technologies keep an eye on every facet of agriculture, including aerial photography, cattle movements, the gathering of data on the microclimate, and even the ability to inform farmers of the exact pH of the soil.

The use of sensor technology is only beginning, and it will continue to give manufacturers more accurate information so they can make wiser decisions and maintain sustainable output.

2. Irrigation
A vital component of food production is irrigation, and farmers are always searching for ways to use water as efficiently and as little as possible. Technology has come a long way in improving the sustainability and efficiency of irrigation techniques.

According to Sandro Esposito of SignalFire Wireless Telemetry, a company that sells wireless crop and irrigation control systems, “Wireless remote monitoring and control systems enable farmers to gain better control and visibility over the operations of their irrigation systems and to make better decisions regarding water, chemical, and electrical usage.”

3. Drones
As farmers apply this incredibly potent technology in more areas of their operations, drone use in agriculture will only increase and change. A vast range of sensors and cameras that drones may carry allow them to monitor crop growth conditions continuously. Drones were first employed to spray chemicals, but now that cameras and sensors are attached to platforms, they are an excellent instrument for taking aerial photos.

4. Biotechnology
Without a doubt, the development of biotechnology has had a significant impact on agriculture. Crop breeders may now use it as a tool to create plants with particular features. Furthermore, biotechnology enables quicker and more accurate crop breeding techniques, even though crop breeding has been a component of agriculture for generations. “In addition to fighting the environmental stresses of disease and pests, researchers in academia and industry are currently working on developing crops that use water more efficiently to help with growth in drought conditions,” states the International Food Information Council Foundation.

5. Fleet Management
GPS and sophisticated telemetry technologies have improved fleet management in agriculture. Even the simplest systems can discover active devices. More sophisticated systems can provide instant alerts and exact information, such as engine speed, fuel use, and impending maintenance. Not only that but data collection may also be examined to determine, for example, which areas require and do not require particular agricultural inputs. Optimizing equipment use is the ultimate objective.

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