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5 common mistakes people get wrong about Ed-Tech


The recent technological revolution in the banking business pales in comparison to the one that is about to occur in the education sector. So, what’s the deal with it sounding so unconvincing? Even while more educators than ever are seeking methods to use technology to improve teaching and learning, ed-tech isn’t quite as popular yet, particularly in Nigeria, due to a few common misunderstandings regarding Edtech.

How much do we know about educational technology and what it entails?

  1. Only in the classroom

The majority of Ed-tech developments that achieve widespread acceptance are flashy classroom gadgets and software such as LCD Touch screen boards, game-based learning, and collaborative platforms such as Google software for Education. But, to be honest, ed-tech encompasses more than simply classroom technology. Other ways technology may be used behind the scenes in teaching and learning include applications that help instructors and administrators plan and cooperate more efficiently, software that manages operations, programs that handle student data and behavior, and so on.


  1. Consumerism

One of the 11 reasons why instructors aren’t adopting technology, according to spencerauthor.com, is because “reading is viewed culturally as educational while all things techie tend to be viewed culturally as entertainment.” Does this sound familiar? This, ironically, is what makes it so appealing to kids. Technology-based education approaches outperform traditional ones. Don’t be one of those instructors and educators who let their fear of change prevent them from implementing proven learning-improvement technologies.


  1. Inattention to instructors or pupils

Although many ed-tech startups aim to make teaching easier and learning more enjoyable, it is usual for them to focus on technology rather than the actual teaching and learning experience in order to discover the specific needs they are addressing. Factor Daily argues that this is one of the primary reasons that many ed-tech solutions are not currently being adopted in schools.


  1. Education technology is a ‘cost-intensive’ industry.

This might be true just in the early phases. There are several methods for schools to save money by promoting technology in and out of the classroom, such as moving to online libraries, online report delivery platforms, time-saving grading applications, and much more. Still, rather than making decisions based on misleading generalizations, it is always advisable to analyze alternative possibilities and perform a cost-benefit analysis.


  1. 5. It is difficult to incorporate or apply.

Many educators underestimate their abilities to apply technological solutions, and management is concerned that their employees will be unable to use them. As we indicated before in our discussion of the three most typical misunderstandings regarding school management software, these systems are expressly created with you in mind. Furthermore, if you are investing in a product such as management software, you will normally be able to test out a sample to see whether it is the proper user level for you and satisfies your unique demands.

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