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How Humans Can Command Tiny Robots With Their Thoughts


A remarkable breakthrough in brain-machine interface technology has enabled scientists to control nanobots inside a living creature using only human thoughts.

This innovative achievement has the potential to revolutionize the treatment of mental health disorders and enhance human intelligence.

Inspired by the concept of miniaturized robots in science fiction, researchers have developed nanobots made of DNA that can perform medical procedures from within the body.

Recently, Israeli scientists successfully demonstrated a brain-machine interface that allows a human operator to control nanobots implanted in a cockroach using their brainwaves.

The experiment involved developing a computer algorithm that recognizes brainwave patterns generated by mental arithmetic tasks. The human operator wore an EEG cap connected to an electromagnetic coil, which transmitted the brainwaves to the computer software.

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The nanorobots, injected into the cockroaches, were programmed to respond to the brainwaves by releasing a fluorescent-tinted drug.

While this technology has the potential to treat mental disorders such as schizophrenia, depression, ADHD, and autism, it also raises exciting possibilities for enhancing human intelligence. As predicted by inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil, nanobots could be used to augment human cognitive abilities in the future.

The scientists envision a wearable device that detects EEG activity and administers targeted treatments using nanobots. For instance, individuals with ADHD could receive a dose of Ritalin when their brainwave activity indicates a loss of concentration.

This personalized approach could lead to more effective and targeted treatments for mental health disorders.

This groundbreaking research has opened up new avenues for exploring the potential of brain-machine interfaces and nanobots in medicine and beyond.

As the technology advances, we may see a future where humans can control devices and robots with their thoughts, revolutionizing the way we interact with the world around us.

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