German Cybercrime Report Shows Rise in Foreign Attacks


German authorities released a report on Monday indicating a significant increase in cybercrime perpetrated by foreign actors. According to the data, these attacks rose by 28% in 2023 compared to the previous year. This surge coincides with heightened European concerns surrounding suspected Russian hacking activity, particularly in the lead-up to elections.

“The threat posed by cybercrime remains critical,” stated German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser during the report’s presentation at the Federal Criminal Police Office in Wiesbaden.

The data also highlights a consistent rise in cybercrime by foreign actors since German authorities began tracking the metric in 2020. The increase for 2022 was recorded at 8%.

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Earlier this month, Germany accused Russia of launching cyberattacks targeting its defense and aerospace companies, along with the ruling political party.

“These attacks, traced back to Russian military intelligence, demonstrate the severity of the threat,” Faeser emphasized. “We will not be deterred by the Russian regime. Our commitment to safeguarding our democracy against Russian cyber activities continues, as does our support for Ukraine.”

The report underlines the growing urgency for robust cybersecurity measures in Germany and across Europe. With heightened cyber threats on the horizon, effective defense strategies are crucial to protect critical infrastructure and national interests.

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