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Our Favorite Apps That Operate Off the Internet


How helpful is your smartphone if you run out of data or don’t have access to the internet? Not exactly helpful, is it? These things occasionally happen; you can have trouble using the internet while traveling or in locations with a spotty internet connection.

Here are some of our favorite applications that you can rely on to do your tasks while you’re disconnected from the internet.

1. Google Drive

One of the largest, if not the largest, cloud storage services available is Google Drive. You can work on a file or files offline by saving them so they can be saved.
To achieve this, pick “Make available offline” from the drop-down menu that appears when you click the 3-dot icon in the document’s upper right corner. For each file you wish to access offline, follow these steps.

2. Google Maps
If you use an Android phone, you undoubtedly have the Google Maps app on your phone and have probably used it to discover lodging, dining options, businesses, or even your way out of an unfamiliar area.

Therefore, you may simply download the map before leaving home if you require instructions to a specific spot but are unsure of the quality of the internet once you get close to the site.

Launch the Google Maps app on your smartphone, enter the location, and then search to get the offline version. Select “Download” from the menu that appears after tapping the “More info” card. Choose the section you wish to see offline, then click “Download” once again.

3. Spotify
Spotify, which has the distinction of being the most popular music streaming service, allows you to download your favorite tracks, albums, playlists, and podcasts for offline listening. Up to 10,000 songs may be saved in your collection on Spotify, but this feature is only accessible to premium customers.

Go to the playlist, album, or podcast you wish to download, then hit the “Download” button to start the process (on Android, toggle the “Download” button to start the download of an album or playlist).

The next step is to enable “Offline mode” after downloading the music you wish to listen to offline. Tap “Playback” in the app’s “Settings” and turn “Offline” on.

4. Netflix
One of the most well-known movie streaming services is Netflix, and through its app (available for Android and iOS), users may download a limited number of TV series and movies. This is because not all of the material on the app can be downloaded.

Make sure your smartphone is running iOS 12 or later or Android 4.4.2 or later before attempting to download. Additionally, make sure your device’s Netflix app is up to date.

5. YouTube
Because it allows you to download video for offline viewing, YouTube is an excellent choice for keeping oneself amused on journeys by bus, train, or any mode of transportation without dependable internet connectivity.

To accomplish this, open YouTube on your smartphone, tap the video you want to save for offline watching, and then select “Download.” The material will then download to the app’s “Library” area.

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