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PharmTech: 5 Key Duties You Need To Know About the Job


We’ve all seen them before: the cheerful drugstore employees who assist us when we pick up and pay for our medicines. In reality, they are pharmacy technicians, sometimes known as pharm techs.

You might believe they are really simply a type of cashier, passing out prescriptions and running the cash register. Their responsibilities, however, are significantly more extensive. They do, in fact, play a crucial role in protecting patient safety.

If you’re interested in pharmacy tech tasks and what to anticipate on the job, you’ve come to the correct spot. What exactly does a pharmacy technician do?


Here are 5 Key Duties you need to know About PharmTech  Job

  1. Taking prescription orders and verifying them

Receiving and verifying prescription orders are important elements of the job. According to experts, in today’s digital environment, the majority of prescriptions are in the form of e-prescriptions. Some experts claim that the pharmacy tech will not only need to obtain these prescriptions using computer software, but they will also need to verify insurance coverage before the patient picks up their medication.

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  1. Preparation and fulfillment of prescriptions

It takes more than counting pills and labeling bottles to fill prescriptions. This pharmacy tech job is a pretty detailed procedure with more variability than you may imagine.

Pharm technicians at hospitals and certain hospital units may prepare intravenous products such as Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) solutions, drugs, and treatments—all of which are critical to patient safety and recovery.


  1. Interacting with consumers and responding to inquiries

You may expect to engage with patients or customers on a frequent basis if you work in a retail pharmacy of any sort. This might include assisting them in obtaining prescriptions, discovering an over-the-counter drug, addressing basic medical inquiries, or directing them to a pharmacist.

Many folks who visit a pharmacy aren’t happy to be there—being sick and dealing with insurance isn’t enjoyable. As a result, it is vital that you have the correct personality and attitude to make the encounter as enjoyable as possible. Customer service is one of the most important pharmacy tech talents you can have.


  1. Inventory management and organizational tasks

Assume you’ve just been diagnosed with a disease and need to get your antibiotic before returning home and snuggling back into bed. You go to your pharmacy only to discover that they don’t have enough of the antibiotic you require on hand to complete your prescription.

At best, it’s a nuisance; at worst, it’s a major issue. This is only one of the many factors that make inventory management such an important duty for pharmacy technicians.


  1. Several specialized functions

You can see how important pharmacy technicians are to maintaining a well-run, effective, and secure pharmaceutical practice. Some pharmacy technicians take on other duties as they gain expertise and go along in their professions, in addition to the ones mentioned above.

Additionally, pharmaceutical technicians could focus on a specific area, like compounding. State laws and regulations, as well as the environment in which you operate, will have a significant impact on many of these more complex obligations.

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