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How to Identify an Original Power Bank

Power Bank

Having a power bank is very beneficial, but problems can occur if you purchase or own a fake one, which could endanger your phone by endangering its battery, causing damage to the device, or even catching fire and destroying it. Today, I’ll help you distinguish between real power banks and fake ones, especially in Nigeria where there are many of the latter. I’ll also tell you which power bank is the best to purchase here in Nigeria.

The first and most important factor in determining whether a power bank is fake is whether it has a brand name. When purchasing a power bank, make sure it has a brand name because many of them, particularly those sold in Nigeria, only have the words “POWER BANK” inscribed on them.

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Don’t purchase one of these since it is a phony power bank and might harm your phone. A fraudulent power bank will have a false capacity, such as one that claims to have a capacity of 50000mAh but can only charge a 2500mAh phone or tablet battery once or twice. If you continue to use a power bank that has been shown to be fraudulent, be aware that it will eventually cause damage to your phone or tablet.

The majority of counterfeit power banks, particularly the ones offered here, typically have very high capacities listed on them, such as a power bank’s capacity being 50000mAh, 100000mAh, or even 30000mAh. Although some of them may be genuine, most are fake; therefore, if you see a verified fraudulent item here in Nigeria, do not purchase it.


How to Spot a Genuine Powerbank

  1. Original power banks had a brand name attached.
  2. It lacks big capacities like as 30000mAh, 50000mAh, 100000mAh, etc.
  3. The charging capacity matches what is stated on it, taking into account the capacity of your battery as well.

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