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How to prevent criminals from stealing your phone


Our lives today frequently include mobile phones. Cell phones are seldom left unattended by anyone.

But the problem of stealing in public is only becoming worse. It is starting to resemble an actual career for which individuals attend school. People who commit such heinous crimes take advantage of the negligence or ignorance of others to steal expensive commodities like mobile phones.

Sometimes, the loss of the stolen phone is not as painful as the knowledge that someone used your intellect. Additionally, knowing what you could lose and how much it would cost if it were an iPhone, is crucial knowledge. It’s high time for everyone to improve.

Given how many mobile phones are stolen each day, it’s crucial to be vigilant and discover new security measures for your device.

Here are some strategies to prevent your phone from being stolen:

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Be aware of your surroundings

Always research a location’s level of hazard before entering there. You might have to leave your phone at home entirely if you don’t obtain a satisfactory response. Even in situations you are comfortable with, maintain your vigilance.

Safeguard your phone.

Don’t use your phone outside where it might be stolen. If you are in a high-crime area, avoid using your phone in the open. This is accurate, particularly if your phone is expensive and flashy. Place it in a secure location, such as a pocket or purse, and often check on it by dipping your fingers in.If you can’t bring your phone up on stage when you deliver a speech or moderate a panel at a public event, ask a buddy to do it for you. Make certain they understand they cannot afford to be irresponsible.

Keep your phone with you when you go to the bank or leave it on the table at a restaurant while you place your order. It’s the same as handing up your phone! Place your phone in a secure bag or securely grasp it.
Don’t use your phone when you’re sleeping. Place it in your luggage and choose whether to sleep with it on your mind.

Hold it securely; do not pocket it

When you’re out in public, avoid carrying your phone in your front or front and back pockets. While in line, pull your phone out of your pocket and hold it. You suddenly notice your phone is covered with glass as you glance down after a burst of activity in the computer village.

Additionally, keeping your phone in your pocket on a bus is not a smart idea. Instead, remove it and hold it in your palm. If you have a bag, keep it safe. Would-be robbers would not be discouraged by an aggressive hold on your phone.

Play with your phone, but be cautious

Using your phone as a diversion when on the bus or at a public event is another good advice. People who steal from others’ phones sometimes seek out victims who are negligent with their devices and leave them unattended, allowing the thief an opportunity to get away with important data.
Additionally, for some people, listening to music on their commute has prevented them from committing public thievery. Such individuals almost never leave the house without their phones and headphones. If their music stops, there must be an issue. Be mindful when doing this.

And lastly, develop your sixth sense. In fact, having paranoia about your phone is acceptable. To make sure you still have your phone, often check your pockets.

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