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iPhone Alarm Glitch Causes Frustration for Users, Apple Working on Fix


Many iPhone users have taken to social media to express their frustration over a recent glitch affecting the phone’s alarm functionality. Alarms are failing to sound as expected, leaving users to wake up late or miss appointments entirely.

Scope of the Problem Unclear

The exact number of affected users remains unknown. While some users, like TikTok user Reid Manning, have reported the issue persisting for several days, the bug’s impact on specific iPhone models or iOS versions is unclear.

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The frustration is evident in a video by TikTok user Alyssa Sarracco, which has garnered significant attention. Sarracco missed classes despite setting “five alarms,” prompting her to declare in the video, “This is not me. I am not the problem here.”

Apple Acknowledges the Issue and Offers Temporary Solution

Apple has officially acknowledged the problem and confirmed they are working on a fix. In the meantime, some users have reported success in restoring alarm functionality by disabling the iPhone’s “attention aware” feature. This feature automatically reduces the volume of alerts when the user is looking at the phone.

To disable “attention aware,” iPhone users should navigate to Settings > Face ID & Passcode and scroll down to locate “Attention Aware features.” It’s important to note that this feature is only available on iPhone X or later models and some iPad Pro models.

Lighthearted Jabs from Competitors

The issue has not gone unnoticed by competitors. Samsung UK took a playful jab at Apple by posting a video on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. The video features a sausage dog DJing with the caption, “Rest assured, our alarms GO OFF,” accompanied by the text, “Samsung users woke up on time today.” While lighthearted, the post reflects the importance users place on reliable alarm functionality in their smartphones.

Recommendations for iPhone Users

Until a permanent fix is implemented, iPhone users are advised to double-check their alarms before going to bed. This includes verifying that alarms are set correctly and the volume is adjusted to an audible level.

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